Breach - breakthrough - rebirth. Solomostry welcomes us in his world made of introspection, new points of view, pieces to recollect and be put together on the digital platform of ItaliaNFT.

The digitization of art is establishing itself as a new frontier, capable of overcoming the limits of space, time and even the economic availability that each of us has to travel. The masterpieces of Italian art, cinema, literature, music, production and territory enter the future through a technological platform that modifies the traditional model of fruition. This platform combines the originality of the works with digital innovation based on the transparency and security of the Blockchain. The Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT, in Italian Token Non Fungible or Token Non Reproducibile, is a special type of token that represents the deed and the certificate of authenticity written on blockchain of a unique digital or physical asset) offered on the platform are not in fact simple collections of digital miniatures but real exclusive works, unpublished creations accompanied by an "augmented" user experience.

ItaliaNFT is the first marketplace for the purchase of valuable NFT related to Made In Italy that selects the creations of artists and big names of Italian history, preserving their uniqueness and originality thanks to the reliability of transactions, the attention to the regulatory environment and the collaboration with high-level technological and commercial partners. The next artist exclusively for ItaliaNFT is Solomostry, and he is ready to break every scheme through the eyes of his "demons".

Born in 1988, Solomostry began his artistic career thanks to his passion for graffiti and then to his studies in Graphic Design and Art Direction. His concept is based on a geometric structure that leads the audience to penetrate a "monster" depicted through a clear dynamism of the whole, looking for an impacting and easily recognizable style, no shades or lights and shadows. The research is totally based on the strength of the line, which can be either clean and graphic or totally dirty and dripping, and a palette of strong and vivid colors. Solomostry's intent is to take the viewer to the direct, as well as decisive, vision of that monster peering at him from inside the work, as if to break the pattern of the Point of View.

Solomostry's first NFT collection in collaboration with ItaliaNFT includes one unique piece (available as a one-off work through a dedicated auction) -Cyber Pandora- 9 pieces in buy now mode -including Fantasmagorie- and 100 generative pieces (Opticks, also in buy now).

Cyber Pandora is a vase made, destroyed and then rebuilt digitally in the token by the artist himself. The logic behind this work is based on the need to break and reassemble in our own way; through an introspective journey, whose destination are answers that go beyond the tangible. Thus, the destroyed vase is reborn thanks to technology, acquiring a breath of eternity.

Fantasmagorie is based, instead, on the concept of mutation, fears and diversity. The eyes of the creatures that accompany our existence have a fundamental role, because through them the artist wants the viewers to feel observed, from a new perspective.

Infine, nel collectible “Opticks”, Solomostry sperimenta una dimensione nuova che consiste in una suggestiva variazione cromatica che si fonde con il figurativo e la figurazione dei “mostri” dell’artista, nel suo primo NFT generativo.
Discover the collection on italiaNFT.art!