Between the modern galleries there is the new Cellar Contemporary which proposes the project of the Chilean artist David Aaron Angeli who with drawings on paper and with waxworks celebrate the birth of Western Civilization. READ THE ARTICLE
Raw Zone presents eight galleries of research with only an artist per gallery, displayed in an essential and raw space. Once here, it is highly recommended to make a stop at the stand of the young Cellar Contemporary of Trento, that proposes Europa, a new and unpublished project of the Chilean artist David Aaron Angeli. With drawings on paper and wax sculptures, the artist, class of 1982, recalls the rat of Europa.Through the themes of journey and cyclic nature of life, Angeli’s artworks recompose an ancestral myth that narrates the West Culture.
Is in progress the exhibition of chilean artist David Aaron Angeli, with works' dedicated to the themes of trip, of the migration and of the love, among which small statues of wax and compositions of wood, iron and steel.
There are infinite ways in which a subject can look at what surrounds us .. and infinite points of view or to see something different. Well, the artist Solomostry through his eyes, allows us to see and share his personal point of view.
Watercolors and sculptures by Angelo Maisto represent a nature gently invaded by creatures made by common objects in his solo show "Naturalia" at Palazzo Conti Martini, Mezzocorona.
In the occasion of the festival "Settembre Rotaliano", the brand new art gallery Cellar Contemporary organized the exclusive solo show by Angelo Maisto, "Naturalia".
The works on show at Cellar Contemporary refer to the first part of the myth of "Europa", overlooking the topics of travel, discovery and life cycles.
The exposition named "Übergang" led the artists David Aaron Angeli, Stefano Cagol, Federico Lanaro, Andy Ness e Larina Paperina to reflect about the concepts of "passing" and "transition". Cellar Contemporary (of Camilla Nacci and Davide Raffaelli) took care of this exhibition composed by sculptures, pictorial works, photos and videos. Nicola Maschio READ THE ARTICLE
After the show preview at Studio d'Arte Raffaelli - Sala Bacco, David Aaron Angeli presents at Cellar Contemporary a series of new works about the history of "Europa", a key figure into the mediterranean mythology.
When past and present meet, the results can be surprising, as it is with the show "Übergang | Passaggi d'arte contemporanea", curated by Cellar Contemporary at Forte Civezzano.
© 2025
Cellar Contemporary
by Davide Raffaelli
P.IVA: 02438320224