Who is Bäst? Who is this artist without a face, without a name and, apparently, without an identity? READ THE ARTICLE Valeria Furlan
Bäst: is a word that appears for more than 15 years through Brooklin's streets, behind which, as Michael Toomral writes in the catalog, there is an heir of posting and overlapping practices, that take to the re-inscription of the identity of the work-place, conceals itself.
We only know that he is American, that uses the pseudonym of Bäst and that, with his artworks, he brought for the first time in Trento the most authentic spirit of Brooklyn.
Today the practice of cultural nomadism, as well as the "deterritorialisation" (to put it with Gilles Deleuze's words), namely the wandering of tastes, traditions, of ideas themselves, informs most of contemporary art.
It begins today as on the clock as December, franz's "Adventskalender", that this year is very "More than Santa and Klaus".
David Aaron Angeli still knows how to narrate ancient stories. He does it gently, entering in the territory of the myth tiptoed. The artist's fortune was to meet a young gallerist that sees, just like him, very much further, Davide Raffaelli. The gallerist catched him, not sure if also tamed him, but certainly he opened the doors of his stable, a small but already famous art gallery, located in the legendary neighborhood of S. Martino, in Trento, with the symptomatic name of "Cellar Contemporary".
Between the modern galleries there is the new Cellar Contemporary which proposes the project of the Chilean artist David Aaron Angeli who with drawings on paper and with waxworks celebrate the birth of Western Civilization. READ THE ARTICLE
Raw Zone presents eight galleries of research with only an artist per gallery, displayed in an essential and raw space. Once here, it is highly recommended to make a stop at the stand of the young Cellar Contemporary of Trento, that proposes Europa, a new and unpublished project of the Chilean artist David Aaron Angeli. With drawings on paper and wax sculptures, the artist, class of 1982, recalls the rat of Europa.Through the themes of journey and cyclic nature of life, Angeli’s artworks recompose an ancestral myth that narrates the West Culture.
Is in progress the exhibition of chilean artist David Aaron Angeli, with works' dedicated to the themes of trip, of the migration and of the love, among which small statues of wax and compositions of wood, iron and steel.
There are infinite ways in which a subject can look at what surrounds us .. and infinite points of view or to see something different. Well, the artist Solomostry through his eyes, allows us to see and share his personal point of view.
© 2025
Cellar Contemporary
by Davide Raffaelli
P.IVA: 02438320224