Margherita Paoletti's works inhabit the new Pulk creative space, in collaboration with Cellar Contemporary
"Sogni a fior di pelle" is the artist's new exhibition visible at Pulk. Margherita Paoletti's work starts from the interiority: what we cannot see, the dark inside of us, and is illuminated by the artist through references and colors very often borrowed from the natural universe.

"Ombre di sogno" is the title of work within a series of works that describes the dreamlike phenomenology elaborated by Margherita Paoletti: of the invisible nocturnal dreams, what remains, when the daytime arrives, is only a marvelous floral shadow, which partially superimposes itself on the facial features of the protagonists of the works. But the nocturnal stories are ready to resurface, indelibly, on the skin, in the form of tattoos.
All the traces left by the dream become memories that intertwine, making explicit and legible the invisible thought, and whispering an invitation not to hide one's interiority, but to share it in the form of a new narrative.

Pulk, which in English and Norwegian means a small Nordic sled, is identified as an inclusive, flexible, dynamic and creative space that offers many activities, like yoga lessons, supper clubs and multicultural meetings, where to talk, conversate and share universal experiences.