A site-specific project by the artist
Portrait of the artist
“[…] David Aaron Angeli, whose characters are made of wood, wax or metal and are inspired by mythological and animistic forms that seem to reconnect to the ancestral rituals of connection between human and nature”
Elio Vanzo
David Aaron Angeli’s art finds space in the group show “ANIMA MUNDI: Arte pro natura” presented at Museum of Contemporary art of Cavalese the 18th of July and open until September 19.
The group show will host seven artists, some of them from Trentino Alto Adige and some of them not, who share with each other not only the love for art, but also the willingness to work and express themselves by poetic and innovative languages. In particular, David Aaron Angeli will be flanked by the art of Stanislav Brach, Leonardo Nava, Marco Nones, Giuliano Orsingher, Gregorio Prugger and Federico Seppi.
Bastone pigna nera, 2018, cera, ferro e legno di rovere, 196,3x20x20 cm
The exhibition program decided to expose and present a new type of art, characterized by the use of material and philosophies increasingly close to the world of nature; this last one starts to be the real protagonist of the show, reclaiming its position in a world where it is used and forgot by a human who use it mainly for his own business. In this exhibition, culture is the testimonial for rights and for freedom of nature which, since the beginning, needs to be protected and respected.
Grande bastone con serpente e coppa rossa , 2021, legno, inchiostro, cera e ferro, 122x300 cm
Also in this group show Angeli’s characters are able to combine and create a dialogue between human and nature which “is not only dominated by men, but it also suffers a cruel destiny made of cruelty and submission”. Thanks to an apparently simple art (that in reality is full of meanings emitted by the mythological and animistic forms/shapes) Angeli presents his capacity in using materials from the natural world and then recontextualizing them in the form of new languages and appearance. The use of natural materials, such as bees wax, allows the artist to express nature’s strength, introducing all its shades and its entire essence.