The artists invited on show conceive a series of works on the theme of water for the historic film festival

Angelo Maisto, Riparo, 2017, watercolor on paper, 85 x 105 cm

The theme of this year's Giffoni Art Experience Festival is water, an element from which we come and of which we are composed, that surrounds us, fascinates us, frightens us, unites us and separates us.

Among the six artists called to interpret this element on the spot, Angelo Maisto exhibits his watercolors in an unconventional location such as the Multimedia Valley, a building usually dedicated to cinematographic art.

As emphasized by Salvatore Colantuoni"this particular type of art exhibition is always a challenge, because it is set up outside the usual exhibition spaces".

The exhibition proceeds in parallel with the Festival until 28 July 2018.

Angelo Maisto with Andrea Villiani, director of Madre Museum (Naples)

Angelo Maisto, Empatia, 2017, watercolor on paper, 42 x 52 cm

Angelo Maisto with Maria Pia Incutti, President of Plart, Naples