For the Art White Night in Lunetta, taking place on June, 22nd, the artist proposes "The air inside. Track of visual memories", a backwards journey in her approach to art, which started with the meticulous and repetitive language of engraving and reached a free and immersive painting.
"Back Words", 2019, mixed media on canvas
Cellar Contemporary join the 2019 edition of Without Frontiers – Lunetta a Colori, the Mantua Urban Art Festival with street art from worldwide known artists. The exhibition project is "The air inside. Track of visual memories", by Margherita Paoletti and curated by Camilla Nacci.
Inspired by Pirsig's book, “Zen and the art of motorbike maintenance", which was the theme of the Call for projects for the Lunetta district, Margherita Paoletti presents a series of engravings. The works belong not only to her own past, but also to a common past linked to some traditions, reinterpreted through illustration.
The series of engravings by Mragherita Paoletti for Lunetta GO TO THE ARTIST PAGE
The exhibited paintings measure the personal growth of Margherita Paoletti, who, from the appropriation of the past of others, now addresses the invitation to the public to appropriate of her present and to identify with her works.
"Motor Stomach", 2019, mixed media on canvas
The exhibition’s aim is to create multiple exploratory possibilities. As in Plato's “Phaedrus" one approaches the world of ideas through beauty, in the artist’s works one meets his own inner wilderness of thoughts through aesthetics.
The opening will take place on June 22nd in Lunetta, all day and all night long.