Nicola Dicembre and Filippo Cegani in the framework of Trento Future Festival. First exhibition within Cellar Contemporary space

As the art world is getting back to normality, more and more events are happening in Trento. Last two weekends were marked by a numerous art gatherings all around the city thanks to Feste Vigiliane and Trento Future Festival (25/26th of June) on which we would like to focus our attention.

TFF was organized by Art Future Connection – a cultural network which creates events and festivals with the aim of promotion of the young talented artists. As their mission and goals highly correspond to the Cellar Contemporary’s aim: the support of gifted emerging artists – the gallery decided to collaborate with AFC. By hosting exhibition of two young and skillful Italian artists – Nicola Dicembre who lives and creates in Venice, and Filippo Cegani (Milan based, holds B.A. from Camberwell College of Arts), the Cellar Contemporary presented new visions of contemporary Italian art.

The exhibition included artworks created in the recent years by Nicola and Filippo. With the title “Surreal 4 Real” it reflected the atmosphere and artistic approach of the presented art. By looking at the paintings, it was possible to notice some similarities and coherence among two artists. Apart from a fact that both use acrylic paints and canvases as a medium, their perception of contemporaneity and nowadays culture is expressed through surrealistic images. For example, works “The farmer fears the knife” and “The knight fears the flower” by Filippo Cegani stress the notions of beauty and masculinity in the modern society through depicting helmets of the knights what themselves represent male power and force and the petals of a flower which reflect tenderness and feelings.

On the other side, Nicola Dicembre who creates both – digital and physical artworks managed to showcase the merge of real and imaginary digital worlds in his artworks “Death of a leader” and “Phantom machine”.

The Cellar Contemporary was delighted to host such innovative and talented artists of the contemporary Italian art scene as well as appreciate with its audience the talk by Italian emerging artist - Margherita Paoletti as a closure of the Friday’s evening.